$233 for Eagles Tickets - Ouch!

Tickets went on sale 2 minutes ago and I got row 16 on the floor. Cost is $233.50 (ouch) but it will be SOOOO worth it. The Eagles are amazing. This may seem like a lot to pay for a concert ticket but I am used to paying this and more for Bon Jovi so this doesn't really seem like a lot to me.

I normally would not have gotten that far back on the floor as I am really short and it is not that easy to see but I had row 11 on the floor for a Bon Jovi show last year and I could see quite well so I am hoping that a few more rows back will still allow me to see fairly well.

I need to tweak the budget now to cover this unexpected expense.


Northern Living Allowance December 13, 2008 at 12:58 p.m.  

Wow. I haven't bought a concert ticket since they were, like, $20. Seeing the prices these days just floors me. I am, however, very envious that you get to see Nickelback. I love those guys.

Enjoy your concerts and floor seats!! :)

Canadian Saver December 14, 2008 at 7:14 a.m.  

This is a nice Christmas gift to yourself :-)

I'm not a concert goer, but my sister's paid as much and more for tickets too... if you enjoy it, I say go for it :-)