Pantry Inventory

In order to meet my objective of eating homemade meals the vast majority of the time, I took inventory of my pantry this morning to determine what I need to pick up at the store for meals for the week. Luckily, I am not adverse to leftovers and do not mind eating the same thing for a few meals in a row (e.g. chili or spaghetti).

I am going to pick up the ingredients I am missing for:

  • egg and salsa tortilla wraps
  • Mama Cheddar Salad
  • chili

I am going to take advantage of the PG Brand Saver mail-in rebate and stock up on some items I am either out of or am very low on like toilet tissue, facial tissue, Tide, etc. The timing of this rebate is perfect though my shopping bill will be quite a bit higher this week because of it.