Sunday Night Chit-Chat

The beauty of Creation.

What am I...


Right now I am not reading anything.  I just charged the Kobo and think I may purchase the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series as I hear great things about it.


I have been watching The Vampire Diaries on Netflix.

Listening to?

My cat purring her little heart out.


It is rare that I bake as I live alone and do not have a sweet tooth.

Tonight I cooked lemony garlic butter sauteed green beans.  They are scrumpdillyiscious.  I also had meatballs in sauce that I made the other day for dinner.  Not really a common combination but both were good.

Happy to have accomplished this week?

De-cluttering continued and I sold a number of items on ebay.  I think this week's sales total about $150 or so.  Sales over the last month have been close to $600 between ebay and kijiji.  Several boxes and bags have made their way to Goodwill and I have given some items away on freecycle.

Looking forward to next week?

There isn't anything specific I am looking forward to.  I am planning to offer my volunteer services to a couple non-profit agencies and plan to contact them this week.

I also look forward to updating this blog more often.  I must be the world's worst blogger as months seem to go by between updates.  I think my biggest issue is that I don't really believe that I have anything to say that would be interesting for others to read.

Thankful for today?

My cat was diagnosed with diabetes about a month ago and I am thankful every day that she seems to be doing okay and that we were able to find the right insulin dosage for her fairly quickly.