Recapping January
2/03/2011 08:44:00 p.m.January was a pretty good month over all. I did not set goals for the month itself but did meet each of the goals I set out at the beginning of 2011, being:
Get to the end of the month before the end of the money - this was easily achieved
Pay extra toward car loan - I paid $600 on the LOC in January
Continue automatic transfers to long-term, emergency and vacation savings - check!
Buy an investment property. This is not a monthly goal but I did a lot of property searching in January and will be writing an offer on a property this week. This is scary and exciting all at the same time.
I did really well with eBay sales (was not a goal) and made $606.08 extra cash by selling things that were around the house taking up space.
I will be listing more items on eBay and Kijiji.
In the next day or so I hope to post February's goals.