Taxes, job hunting and this and that...

I haven't posted in a couple weeks as I've not had much to post about.

I e-filed my taxes a few days ago and will be getting back over $1200 but that is only because I over paid EI and CPP premiums and not because I over paid income tax. Otherwise, I would owe just under $400 this year.

I'm concerned that I am going to be laid off from my job in the not too far off future as I still have absolutely no work and the other day my boss told one of the directors that if they couldn't find work for me soon he was "going to have to do something about it". Not good.

I am still looking for other work but it is very quiet out there. I had a job interview yesterday and it went really well and based on their advertisement I thought their starting salary was what I would need but it turns out it isn't and the role, now that I know about it in much more detail, is not really what I want anyway.

I was hoping to take a spring vacation to somewhere tropical but now that I am very likely facing being laid off I am not going to be spending money on non-essentials.