Bye Bye Emergency Fund

As I had been thinking of this for some time, a comment by "The Hoss" gave me the kick in the butt that I needed to take the money sitting in my emergency account and put it toward my credit card debt. So thanks, The Hoss, I made the transfer tonight and now only owe just over $304 on my MasterCard.

Having close to $1K in my emergency fund was giving me a small, false sense of security.


Anonymous June 26, 2008 at 8:40 a.m.  

Way to go BnJJ. I see your blog is relatively new, as is mine. I have placed a link to your blog under Hoss's Best Best Bets. Hope you will consider a reciprocal link to my blog. I too, have just started. Initially I will post once a week with financial information and tips. To date have six posts and seven more written and scheduled in Blogger.

The Hoss