Where did all the money go?

I just got paid, received my pension funds from my last company (only 3 months worth of contributions) and my EI payment. This is how I allocated the money:

  • $816.96 to LOC ($400 mortgage principle, $211.96 consumer debt principle, $205 interest accrued in November)
  • $2, 880.16 to rebuild EF

December's living expenses have all been allocated for and I have enough funds put away for January's living expenses so therefore will be splitting my Dec. 19th pay cheque and putting 50% toward my LOC and 50% toward the EF.

I also will still have two pay cheques from my part time job that can be allocated as necessary.


Canadian Saver December 5, 2008 at 8:00 a.m.  

That is a really big sum you received all at once!! Way to go for building your EF back!!