Cleaning out my pantry

Man, I really need to go through my pantry more often. I knew I had food in there that I had totally forgotten about. I ended up throwing out of few canned items that expired 3 years ago as well as peanut butter, syrup, honey, brown sugar and power bars and I found that I had 3 open boxes of lasagna noodles, which have now been combined into one box. I also found two unopened boxes of baking soda that I had no idea I had.

Today's Goals:

  • do small grocery shopping
  • make pot of chili
  • make turkey burgers on the George Foreman Grill (love that thing!!)
  • make hummus with chickpeas I just found in the pantry
  • clean out fridge (if not today, then this needs to be done tomorrow for sure)


Anonymous November 24, 2008 at 9:29 a.m.  

It's amazing what you can find, eh? Cleaning out your pantry is one of my suggestions when cutting back because it's a great way to save on food. Often we have food that is still useable, like beans, lentils or soup, that we have completely forgotten about.